Welcome to WDO Ranking System

Ranking rules:

  • Dance couples receive Ranking points for each participation in the World Championships and Ranking Competitions.
  • Points are rewarded for World Championships and Ranking Competitions according to the table of points.
  • Points received are totaled.
  • WDO Ranking system has 6 categories: Amateur, Professional, Senior I, Senior II, Senior III, Senior IV
  • Every WDO Ranking category has two programs: Ballroom & Latin
  • Points are collected separately for each category.
  • The points only apply for the same partnership.
  • Only those competitors who are registered with the WDO are listed in the Top 12.

Table of Ranking Points

Place World Championships Ranking Competitions

Ranking System Protocol rules:

  • Ranking System Protocol is available for download here.
  • Results of the event have to be filled in the Ranking System Protocol immediately after the completion of the competition and sent to the ranking administrator within 24 hours.
  • Ranking System Protocol is filled in English.
  • Places of couples are filled in the table as whole numbers without any additional symbols or spaces.
  • When couples tie for the same result, the points of their higher placing is awarded to each tied couple.
  • Ranking Protocol System must be checked before submitting any obvious mistakes (for example; same couple cannot be listed in the final and in the lower rounds of the competition).
  • If translation is necessary, the names of the dancers and countries are translated into English according to the international rules of transliteration.
  • No Cyrillic letters or hieroglyphs can be filled in the Rating System Protocol.
  • The names of the dancers are filled in the format of First Name first, followed by Last Name (Surname).
  • It's not allowed to change the structure and version of the Ranking Sytem Protocol Excel file.
  • Completed protocols are sent to: ranking@wdo.dance
  • Ranking administrator has the right not to accept the protocols completed incorrectly for calculation (based on the points listed above).
  • The Ranking administrator can help in filling the protocols for the additional fee of 45 GBP (for all ranking categories held in event). The information has to be sent in Editable format such as Excel or similar. Screen or page photos, pdf and other dificult to edit formats will not be accepted.
  • All questions on filling the protocols and ranking calculation system are sent to: ranking@wdo.dance

Ranking of previous years: